Coda 5 Piece Drumset Reviews 4

I got this set off ebay for $280 including shipping...i saw it, and figured, what the hell, I'll try it.

Very, very cheap.(Price wise) sets of the same qualitly can go up to like 400-450. Good qualiy hardware, all steel, chromed and double braced. Looked great as soon as i set it up.

Very, very cheap.(quality wise) The heads and cymbals were shot after a couple times of playing, I got used sabian cymbals, and all new Remo heads, sounds great now. Also, bass pedal squeeks, and high hat stand, you always have to re-do the nut holding on the top hat.

Most hardware is good, heads and cymbals are bad.

Great beginners set, you just have to put in about 150 bux extra and you'll have a great starter-intermediate set.

Timmy Thompson rated this unit 4 on 2003-11-12.

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